Current Officers

AVAA Leadership 2024 to 2025

June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025

Danielle Crawford, Au.D.


The President will preside at all meetings of the AVAA and of the Executive Board and is   empowered to conduct or have conducted all ordinary and necessary business of the AVAA between meetings. The President also will be responsible for all procedures for the nomination of candidates for the elective offices of the AVAA and the election process. These candidates arise from nominations by the AVAA members or from a slate of possible candidates generated by the Executive Board. The elections will be completed by the annual meeting where the newly-elected officers will be announced.

Michele Gortemaker, Au.D.

Past President

The Past-President will chair the Program Committee for the Joint Defense Veterans Audiology Conference, serve as the President or Vice-President of the Joint Defense VA Audiology Association, and serve as consultant and advisor to the President and President-Elect.

Melissa Pereira, Au.D.


The President-Elect will act as understudy to the President to become acquainted with the business and operation of the AVAA in preparation for assuming the duties of the presidency. In the absence of the President, the President-Elect will assume the duties of the President. If the President, for any reason, cannot serve out a full term of office, the President-Elect will become President for the remainder of that term and also his/her regular term. In the event that the President-Elect also cannot serve out the full presidential term for any reason, the remaining officers shall cause an election for that office to take place. The President-Elect will chair the Awards Committee.

Stacey Sturgulewski, Au.D.


The Secretary of the AVAA will attend and record minutes at all meetings. In addition the Secretary will: maintain a historic record of the minutes that will be available to the members of the Executive Board through the AVAA website; arrange and schedule meetings for the Executive Board; develop the agenda for the meetings; continue action items on the agenda until they are resolved; manage and update the AVAA website, attend to all correspondence through AVAA email account, and record the minutes of the debriefing after each yearly program.

Jocelyn Sysko, Au.D.


The Treasurer of AVAA will make or authorize deposits and disbursements to and from the Association’s account(s) with any amount over $100 needing to be authorized by at least 2 members of the Executive Board; prepare an annual budget; maintain a paid membership database; send acknowledgements to all paid members, provide a regular budget report at each Executive Board meeting; advise the President and President-Elect on budget status if there are any adverse developments and complete and submit yearly tax statements to the IRS. In the absence of both the President and the President-Elect, the Treasurer will preside at meetings.

Ashley Zambetti, Au.D.


The Member-at-Large of the AVAA will attend all board meetings to shares ideas, guidance, and expertise, serve on the newsletter committee and assisting with social media as requested by the board.