DC VA Medical Center

DC VA Medical Center

50 Irving Street, NW
Washington , DC 20422
United States

Large medical center setting. Staff of 10 Full-Time Audiologists.

Students will have a broad exposure to comprehensive clinic skills to include comprehensive audiological evaluations, hearing aid selection, evaluation and counseling,  ABR, VNG, Rotary Chair, VEMP, Cochlear Implants, and Tinnitus Management.

We are an extremely fast-paced clinic in which an extremely motivated, high performing student will succeed.

Funding is assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs and may not have been determined by the application deadline. OAA funding is announced nationally at the same time which should allow sites to know funding at approximately the same time. Historically, our site:
has had 2 positions.

Clinical opportunities provided during the externship:
Audiologic evaluation
Immittance measures
Otoacoustic emissions
Hearing aid selection
Hearing aid fitting
Assistive listening devices
Vestibular evaluation
Electrophysiology evaluation
Tinnitus evaluation
Tinnitus management
Cochlear Implant evaluation
Cochlear Implant management
Auditory Processing evaluation
Cerumen Management

Externship site expects the extern to have mastered these skills before they begin their clinical externship:
Strong foundation in basic audiological testing. Strong foundation and commitment to building clinical reasoning skills. Thoughtful problem solving skills.

Character traits: hard-working, motivated, respectful, team-player.

Number of audiologists at site:

Number of staff at site:

Audiologists holding CCC-A certification:

What level of supervision is provided:

Number of patients seen per year:

How many students per year both interns and externs:

Continuing Education opportunities:
Manufacturer trainings, JDVAC and other conferences, specialty topic trainings (i.e. cochlear implant).

Travel to satellites required?:
no, but travel to CBOCs can be determined on individual basis.

Are there interdisciplinary opportunities? If so what:
Opportunities to collaborate with speech pathology, otolaryngology, CLC nursing home, and blind rehabilitation service.

Are there research opportunities? If so what?:
None required, opportunities may be explored on an individual basis.

Do you have a consortium or collaborative arrangements with other sites that provides additional experience?:
National Institute of Health (NIH) in the past.

Site’s application requirements:
We will begin accepting applications on August 1; all applications are due by September 1. Application materials should be sent via to: .

We do not accept applications directly from students until we receive notification from the Program Director indicating the student’s interest and acknowledging that the student will be eligible to begin a 4th Year Externship in the spring of 2025. The student must meet all academic/university requirements for advancement to the 4th year Externship.

After the eligibility verification is received, the student may then email the following:

  • a letter of interest
  • an unofficial transcript
  • a resume
  • 3 letters of recommendation. The LOR may be emailed directly from the author if that is easier.

Steps for the student/university to follow the application process:
University/program director/clinical coordinator/externship director must verify student has met and satisfied all university requirements and is eligible to apply for the position.

Application materials must be emailed to Externship Coordinator (

Applications open: 8/1/2024 with deadline 9/1/2024.
Only complete applications (all materials received) are considered.
Late applications may be considered at a later date if positions remain unfilled.

Site’s application deadline:
September 1, 2024

Site’s externship contact:
Paris Florence, AuD, CCC-A

Anticipated decision date:
September 22, 2024