Honolulu VA

Honolulu VA

459 Patterson Rd.
Honolulu, HI 96819
United States

The VA Pacific Islands Healthcare System is unique, serving veterans at 11 locations across 4,000 miles of the Pacific Ocean including all the Hawaiian Islands, Guam, American Samoa, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Audiology Externs will rotate between 2 main sites: the VA Spark M. Matsunaga Medical Center in Honolulu and the new Daniel K. Akaka VA Clinic in Kapolei. Students will also have the opportunity to travel to Hilo and American Samoa.

In addition, we have an affiliation agreement with Tripler Army Medical Center to provide specialized training in pediatrics, cochlear implants, vestibular evaluation/rehabilitation, and bone anchored devices.

Number of externship positions:

Funding is assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs and may not have been determined by the application deadline.  OAA funding is announced nationally at the same time which should allow sites to know funding at approximately the same time.  Historically, our site:  We have 2 funded positions (confirmed).

Clinical opportunities provided during the externship:

  • Audiologic evaluation
  • Immittance measures
  • Otoacoustic emissions
  • Hearing aid selection
  • Hearing aid fitting
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Vestibular evaluation
  • Vestibular rehabilitation
  • Tinnitus management
  • Cochlear Implant evaluation
  • Cerumen Management
  • Telehealth program
  • Pediatric evaluations

Number of audiologists at site:

Audiologists holding CCC-A certification:

What level of supervision is provided:
Progressive independence

How many students per year both interns and externs:

Travel to satellites required?:

Are there interdisciplinary opportunities? If so what:
-Mental Health

Do you have a consortium or collaborative arrangements with other sites that provides additional experience?:

Site’s application requirements:
1. Cover letter
2. Resume/CV
3. 3 letters of recommendation
4. Transcripts (unofficial copies are acceptable)

Steps for the student/university to follow the application process: 
Submit application material via email to by 9/25/2024.

Site’s application deadline:
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Anticipated decision date:
Friday, October 25, 2024