Kansas City VA Medical Center
Kansas City VA Medical Center
4801 E. Linwood Blvd.
Kansas City, Missouri 64055
United States
The position is located at the Kansas City VAMC, Kansas City, MO. The appointment is not to exceed twelve months or 2080 hours beginning in May/June. Applicants should prepare to engage in an externship designed to be thought-provoking and both clinically and professionally challenging. Clinical work will include diagnostic audiologic assessment; electrophysiologic assessment; hearing aid and assistive listening device selection, fitting with real ear verification, and adjustments with real ear verification; implantable device evaluations, (in-house surgeries), and mapping; cerumen removal and ENT collaboration. An off-site vestibular rotation may be available. Evidence-based practice is emphasized. Additionally, weekly ‘Lunch and Learns’ to discuss topics pertinent to the field.
Number of externship positions:
Funding is assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs and may not have been determined by the application deadline. OAA funding is announced nationally at the same time which should allow sites to know funding at approximately the same time. Historically, our site:
Historically, we have had 3 funded positions.
Clinical opportunities provided during the externship:
- Audiologic evaluation
- Immittance measures
- Otoacoustic emissions
- Hearing aid selection: Not limited to one manufacturer only
- Hearing aid fitting
- Assistive listening devices
- Vestibular evaluation
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Electrophysiology evaluation: ABR and ECochG
- Tinnitus management: Follow PMR protocol and fit Lenire devices; telehealth appointments available
- Cochlear Implant evaluation: Use National VA CI candidacy criteria and cross reference with MSTB-3 criteria; surgeries are done in-house
- Cochlear Implant management: Implant of 3 companies: Advanced Bionics, Cochlear Americas, and MedEl
- Cerumen Management: Administered with ENT microscope and suction
- Telehealth program: hearing evaluations, hearing aid fittings, and tinnitus management offered
- ENT clinic: neuro-otology clinic included
- Industrial/hearing conservation
- Auditory Processing Disorders: Test administered: Gaps in noise, Frequency pattern, Masking level differences, Dichotic digits, Monaural low redundancy, Quick SIN, Words in noise, Compressed speech with reverberation, and SCAN-3A
Clinical opportunities not listed above:
Collaboration with Blind Rehab Center.
Externship site expects the extern to have mastered these skills before they begin their clinical externship:
- Diagnostic audiometry, to include masking.
- Foundation in amplification, to include hearing aid selection, real ear measurements, software programming, shell modifications and impressions.
- Electronic medical records and report writing.
- Basic knowledge of billing and coding procedures.
- Professional attitude needed for customer service and interpersonal effectiveness.
- Willingness to learn new skills and work hard.
Externship site expects the extern to learn/demonstrate these skills during their clinical externship:
- Understands the complexities of the VA healthcare system and increases their awareness of the clinical process, procedures, and patient-centered outcomes.
- Increase their level of professionalism by collaborating with co-workers, handling conflict effectively, and showing sensitivity and compassion to all.
- Achieve a daily mindset designed to achieve the VA’s strategic direction that is customer centered.
- Integration and reflection on constructive suggestions when making clinical decisions.
Number of audiologists at site:
8 at the main hospital, Lenexa CBOC 2, and Warrensburg CBOC 1
Number of staff at site:
1o at the main hospital, Lenexa CBOC 3 and Warrensburg CBOC 2
Audiologists holding CCC-A certification:
Audiologists holding ABA certification:
What level of supervision is provided:
Number of patients seen per year:
Encounters for FY 2022= 22,722
Encounters for FY 2023= 23,692
How many students per year both interns and externs:
Continuing Education opportunities:
Students are encouraged to engage in our Lunch and Learn activities, hearing aid manufacturer trainings, and to attend any local or national conferences.
Travel to satellites required?:
Are there interdisciplinary opportunities? If so what:
Collaboration with Blind Rehab Center.
Are there research opportunities? If so what?:
Not at this time.
Do you have a consortium or collaborative arrangements with other sites that provides additional experience?:
Yes – Hearing and Balance Specialists of Kansas City – Lee’s Summit (Vestibular)
What communication or other support do you expect or require from university during externship?
Academic affiliation agreement and the TQCVL (Trainee Qualifications and Credentials Verification Letter) needs to be completed. Guidelines on the University’s expectations of the student and grading requirements will need to be submitted.
Site’s application requirements:
Interested applicants are encouraged to submit the following:
- Resume: Follow OPM requirements.
- A letter of professional/career objectives.
- Current official or unofficial graduate transcript.
- Most recent copy of clinical performance evaluation, if possible.
- Three letters of recommendation. At least one from an on-campus and one off-campus clinic supervisor.
Steps for the student/university to follow the application process:
Send the above information to:
Or to the following address:
Kansas City VA Medical Center
Audiology Department (126)
Attn: Casey Cordell
4801 Linwood Boulevard
Kansas City, MO 64128
Site’s application deadline:
September 6, 2024
Interview dates:
September 9, 2024 – September 20, 2024
Site’s externship contact:
Casey Cordell
Anticipated decision date:
September 20, 2024