Oscar G. Johnson VAMC – Iron Mountain, MI

Oscar G. Johnson VAMC – Iron Mountain, MI

325 East “H” St
Iron Mountain, MI 49801
United States

The Oscar G. Johnson VA Medical Center (OGJVAMC) is located at Iron Mountain, MI, in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. The facility oversees six Community Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs) located in Ironwood, Hancock, Marquette, Sault Ste. Marie, and Menominee, MI, and Rhinelander, WI. It also operates a Rural Health Outreach Clinic in Manistique, MI. OGJVAMC and its CBOCs /Rural Outreach Clinic annually serve 20,000 Veterans. We currently have a telehealth clinic with CBOC locations in Sault Ste. Marie, Marquette, Hancock and Rhinelander.

Number of externship positions:

Funding is assigned by the Office of Academic Affairs and may not have been determined by the application deadline. OAA funding is announced nationally at the same time which should allow sites to know funding at approximately the same time. Historically, our site:
We have been approved for funding for an extern for the past 3 years

Clinical opportunities provided during the externship:

  • Audiologic evaluation
  • Immittance measures
  • Otoacoustic emissions
  • Hearing aid selection
  • Hearing aid fitting
  • Assistive listening devices
  • Vestibular evaluation
  • Tinnitus management
  • Cerumen Management
  • Telehealth program
  • Industrial/hearing conservation

Externship site expects the extern to have mastered these skills before they begin their clinical externship:
Strong knowledge of basic Audiologic Evaluation. Familiarity with different hearing aids and assistive technology.

Externship site expects the extern to learn/demonstrate these skills during their clinical externship:
Be professional, punctual and exhibit clinical skills using best practices in Audiology. Demonstrate the I.C.A.R.E Core values of Integrity, Commitment, Advocacy, Respect, and Excellence.

The goal of the externship at our clinic is to develop and prepare students to be ready to enter the workforce as an Audiologist upon graduation.

Number of audiologists at site:

Number of staff at site:

Audiologists holding CCC-A certification:

Audiologists holding ABA certification:

What level of supervision is provided:
Graduated Level of Supervision

How many students per year both interns and externs:

Continuing Education opportunities:
Externs will participate in onsite trainings and are also approved to travel to 1 manufacturer training per year.

Travel to satellites required?:

Are there interdisciplinary opportunities? If so what:
Some opportunity to work with Whole Health, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and in our CLC.

Are there research opportunities? If so what?:

Do you have a consortium or collaborative arrangements with other sites that provides additional experience?:

What communication or other support do you expect or require from university during externship?
Affiliation agreement with the University is required

Site’s application requirements:
Cover Letter

Steps for the student/university to follow the application process:
Email Cover Letter and Resume to:

Shannon Powell, Au.D. CCC-A

If you have further questions please email or call at 906-774-3300 x32465

Site’s application deadline:
October 4, 2024

Site’s externship contact:
Shannon Powell, Au.D. CCC-A

Anticipated decision date:
Late October 2024